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10 Tips for Getting to Church on Sunday Morning (On Time)

Getting together regularly with a group of fellow Christians is so important to following Christ. To not meet with them is to ignore most of what the New Testament tells us to do. My family has understood that, and we’ve always made the extra effort to be in church on Sunday mornings. But – being a family of six – every Sunday morning is a new struggle to get everything ready, get everyone in the van and get to the church on time.

I know my family isn’t the only one that deals with this. Amid jobs, hobbies, health issues and sports, attending church can seem like too much of a hassle to bother with. You may have the desire to go, but with everything that needs to get done beforehand, it can be a struggle to get there – without arriving so late that it’s embarrassing.

For those of you in that boat, here are 10 tips that families like mine have found helpful for getting to church on Sunday morning..

1. Adjust your sleeping habits.

For some of you, getting adequate sleep might be difficult – so your “day of rest” turns into a “day of sleep.” If this is the case, you should consider adjusting your sleeping habits. Do your sleeping-in on Saturday morning instead of Sunday. (If you can’t do this, try to adjust your schedule so that you can.) Go to bed early on Saturday. If you’re worried you won’t have enough sleep going into Monday, take a Sunday afternoon nap.

2. Turn the internet/Wi-Fi off.

This may sound a bit radical, but turn the internet/Wi-Fi off and just go to bed! If you and your kids are staying up late on Saturday night, chances are it’s because you’re using the internet. Turn that off and your family can be well-rested and ready to go on Sunday morning.

3. Set your alarm.

Just to make sure you wake up in time for Sunday school, consider setting an alarm. And if you have the habit of simply turning it off and going back to sleep, maybe put it on the other side of the room so you have to get up if you want to silence it.

4. Give yourself twice as much time as you think you’ll need.

Giving yourself twice as much time to get ready to go to church is a good idea – especially if you have younger kids. It will give you time in case of an orange juice spill or a grease stain or a sudden wardrobe malfunction. Having extra time is good for preparing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

5. Prepare Sunday’s lunch on Saturday.

To keep you from being worried about making lunch after church and possibly trying to get it all done right before you leave, try preparing the food on Saturday. Refridgerate it. Freeze it. Stick it in the crock pot. That way, it won’t be hanging over your head all morning or take up all the extra time you’ve given yourself from Tip #4.

6. Pick out and iron your clothes on Saturday night.

This one is a great trick that saves a lot of time – especially if you have a big family and like to dress up. Pick out and iron all the clothes on Saturday night and just hang them up in an easily accessible place for tomorrow. Also, lay out everyone’s socks, underwear, undershirts, shoes, etc. – it will save you a mad scramble the next morning.

7. Get the coffee ready on Saturday.

If you like to have a nice cup of coffee every morning, consider getting it ready on Saturday. That way, when Sunday morning comes around, all you basically have to do is drink it.

8. Put gas/petrol in the car on Saturday.

This is another thing you could be doing on a pleasant Saturday evening instead of a hectic Sunday morning. Make sure you have enough gas in the tank before you (finally) get everyone in the car to go to church.

9. Gather your Bibles, notebooks, etc. on Saturday night.

Again, you can get your Bibles, notebooks, etc. together on Saturday night instead of taking a quick role-call before you leave the house. You might also consider using a “Bible bag” instead of relying on everyone to carry their own stuff. Then, you’ll know you have everything and can distribute it all in the car or when you get to church.

10. Pray for God to prepare you through the Holy Spirit.

If you’re only going to church because it’s “the thing to do” or because you “get a lot out of it,” then I’m afraid you’ve missed the point. Church isn’t about getting something – although, if everyone is functioning properly as a member of the body of Christ, you will receive something – it’s about giving.

With this in mind, know that, as a Christian, there is a gift for you to give to everyone. Take time to pray for the Lord to show you what it is and where He would have you deliver it. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare you heart and open your eyes to see how you can contribute to the upbuilding of the church.

“Going to church” is not a ritual – it’s an opportunity. Because of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, we are saved into fellowship with God and fellowship with other believers. We get to be a part of the body of Christ. We get to be with others who are also trying to follow Him. Have this mindset as you prepare to go to church this Sunday.

The post was originally published on the Dulin's Grove Church blog:


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